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发布日期:2024-04-20 05:32    点击次数:142


The first form: Jinan Commercial Street membrane structure curved roof


Introduction: If you go to a large shopping mall, you may notice that the corridors or top of the hall are made of semi transparent or transparent building materials. This design not only meets the mall's requirements for natural lighting, making the entire mall look more bright, but also greatly saves the running time of lighting facilities during the day, reduces energy consumption. In the past, when the structure was not widely used, materials such as sunlit panels or tempered glass were used to achieve this effect. These materials have obvious disadvantages, such as the aging speed of sunlit panels under direct sunlight will be greatly accelerated, and the heavy weight of tempered glass requires high support structures and safety is a difficult point. However, the emergence of membrane structures solves various problems of traditional materials. PTFE and ETFE film materials can not only achieve transparency, but also have light weight and high safety. Especially, ETFE's high self-cleaning and high transparency characteristics have become the choice for many large commercial block curved rooftops.


Features: Commercial Street Membrane Structure Curved Roof Canopy Features: Good transparency, light material, suitable for large spans, can replace traditional curved roof materials, and has a long service life, good self-cleaning, and high safety.


The second form: Jinan commercial street membrane structure sunshade umbrella


Introduction: The sunshade is generally the standard configuration of the outdoor pedestrian commercial street. It has many forms and different materials. We often see movable push-pull and foldable sunshades, which are generally made of traditional fabric or polyester. They have poor aging resistance and self-cleaning performance, and are suitable for temporary shading. They are usually used for shading external tables and chairs in coffee shops and other street stores. For some permanent public seat shading facilities, the membrane structure sunshade is selected. Its structural form is to first make the foundation embedded parts, then erect the steel structure, and then stretch the covering membrane on the steel structure. Its forms are diverse and colors are optional, which not only have strong practicability, but also have strong landscape value. Features: anti ultraviolet, anti-aging, long service life, rich and beautiful shape, good self-cleaning.


The third form: Jinan commercial street membrane structure landscape sketch


Introduction: Unlike traditional landscape architecture, membrane structured landscapes rely on a combination of high-strength flexible membrane materials and rigid tensioning systems to form a spatial structure with a strong landscape shape. When combined with lighting at night, it presents an unparalleled dreamlike effect, giving people a refreshing feeling. Therefore, compared to ordinary landscape architecture structures, it can provide people with a better visual and sensory experience. Features: Unique style, strong artistry, and strong modern atmosphere.


The fourth form: Jinan Commercial Street Membrane Structure Corridor Introduction: Many places have requirements for shading and rain protection in corridor passages, which requires a rain shelter to provide shelter for the public. Traditional building materials such as sunboards and fiberglass cannot meet people's increasingly high requirements for shape, so membrane structure corridors have huge advantages. Membrane structure can ensure the overall aesthetics and practicality of the corridor, and perfect completion. So more and more such projects are adopting membrane structures.


Features: Strong styling ability, good transparency, good self-cleaning, and ultra long service life
